"Little Firefighter"| “小小消防员”-消防安全教育进校园


       In order to let the children truly understand the work of firefighters, inspire their love and admiration for firefighters, learn and perceive the basic knowledge of fire safety. Beijing Hurston Kindergarten invited the respectable and lovely firefighters to the campus to have a "zero distance" contact with the children and pay tribute to the "most beautiful retrograde"!


At 10 o'clock in the morning on December 16, the fire truck slowly drove into Beijing Hurston Kindergarten. The children all gathered around this "big guy in red" curiously discussing.


The firefighter introduced various firefighting equipment and rescue equipment to the children and explained to the children multi-functional firetrucks and firefighting equipment, such as fire extinguishers, gas masks, oxygen cylinders, first aid kits and other firefighting equipment, patiently answer all kinds of children's questions. It's an eye opener for children.


The uncle of the firefighter opened the compartment of the firetruck and showed the children how to wear firefighting clothes, smoke-proof hats, and air breathing apparatus. The children also boarded the firetruck and felt the equipment in the car. At this moment, they are "little firefighters"! The children listened carefully and learned relevant safety protection experiences during the activity. The firefighters used a combination of live demonstrations and games to give the children a rich, exciting, vivid and comprehensive fire safety education class.


At the same time, Kindergarten also conducts firefighting drills through drama class. They become "little firefighters", simulating the usual training situation of firefighters and the tension during rescue, immersive experience, and in-depth study of firefighting Safety knowledge, learn to sympathize with others and provide help when needed; understand some of the work of firefighters; learn how to play cooperative games. The children are familiar with English expressions related to fire safety through ESL English courses!


"Go toward the fire, go against the crowd." On the training ground, the firefighters sweated like rain and the spirit was like a rainbow; at the emergency rescue site, firefighters rushed to save the people. The children really felt the noble quality of the firefighter uncle's serious responsibility and self-sacrifice!

“向火光而行,逆人群而进”。在训练场上,消防员挥汗如雨、气势如虹;在紧急救援现场,消防员争先恐后、拯救人民 。孩子们真切感受到了消防员叔叔认真负责,舍己为人的崇高品质!

The firefighting into campus activities and simulated firefighting drills allowed children to see firetrucks and firefighting facilities at close range, and to personally understand the hard work of firefighters, improve children’s safety awareness and self-protection ability, and learn to respect life and awe life!


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